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22 October 2021

Discovering consideration

As we were having a discussion, one of my companions told me the people around her were pointing at her lack of consideration and attention for […]
22 October 2021

Becoming a leader

Becoming a leader Here, Armelle expresses her experience of the path to be followed to become a Circle leader. Armelle, do you think you fit in […]
7 May 2020

Becoming autonomous

« I will never make it! »   Here is what I thought when I started to practise five years ago. “It’s a sect”, my mother said “You […]
7 May 2020

Discovering the essence of Spiritual Friendship

Reiyukai is the Buddhism of Spiritual Friendship. We are thus encouraged to develop relationships tinged with spiritual friendship not only with our companions but also with […]
7 May 2020

My stay in Japan, a valuable learning experience

My name is Pierre-Arthur O’Hara, I am 24 years old. I discovered Reiyukai thanks to Armand and I wish to share with you the gratitude I […]
7 May 2020

Relying on the Teaching

A practitioner of the youth group in Japan once said: “The aim of Reiyukai is to make people smile again and to share moments of happiness” […]
7 May 2020

The qualities of a bodhisattva

The lockdown also gives birth to deep personal experiences… « Reciting the Lotus Sutra raises bodhisattva’s burgeoning qualities inside us. » A few days ago I had a […]
7 May 2020

Linked to what our parents are

“One of the first teachings I heard was that we are linked to what our parents are […]”   My name is Simon, I’m 24. I […]
7 May 2020

Opening up my heart

Opening up my heart « Thanks to Reiyukai I began to open up my heart. » My name is Yan. I have been practising for five […]
11 February 2020

Conflictual family relationships

I discovered Reiyukai almost three years ago at a Circle meeting through my friend Marc who had been practising for many years. Following our different exchanges […]
11 February 2020

A life path

I became a Reiyukai member when I was eighteen thanks to Claudette who was my French teacher at school.  When I got older, I met her […]
11 February 2020

Opening up to others

I started practising because I did witness the change in my elder. I want to thank her for t taking up to reforming herself, which opened […]
11 February 2020

Realizing one’s determination to progress

The starting point of my research this year has been the strong determination expressed by some Reiyukai members during a training session to realize the founders’ […]
29 October 2019
en avant

The five basic practice actions

You must never forget that Reiyukai is a spiritual practice based on actions and not on reflection.
29 October 2019

Courage and simplicity: key-words

I met Reiyukai for the first time in1995. At that time, I was really self-centred, contemplating my navel and eager to heal my pain.
3 July 2019

A gift from the spiritual world

A gift from the spiritual world Sylvie and Christelle shared their common experience at a quarterly meeting in Nantes last March… My first name is Sylvie. […]
26 April 2019

Step by step

Decisive events I lost my mother when I was 31 and my father at 36. When my mother died, I told myself that she would inform […]
26 April 2019

A further stage

Among all the members of Reiyukai Buddhism, some have recently discovered this path, others have been practising for forty years. But, let us be clear, if […]
4 March 2019

A singular experience

I met the Reiyukai practice thanks to David in rather funny circumstances. It was quite a complicated period of my life. I had a huge project […]
4 March 2019

The EBU: a fruitful General Meeting

Isabelle, a member of the EBU board of directors, attended the EBU General Assembly which was held in England this year accompanied by Marie and Guillaume. […]